Optional Parts
Optional Parts allow the addition of special capabilities or enhanced performance to a players Vertical Tank. There are two main categories of Optional Parts, those that are permanent and those that can be lost through usage or VT destruction. My terminology for these is "Durable" and "Transient" respectively. Durable parts cannot be lost to connection errors or VT destruction and remain with a pilot profile until traded or deleted. Transient parts tend to be available only until the current VT on which they are mounted is destroyed. Additionally, certain parts seem to have maximum use limitations, after which they disappear from a pilot inventory.
The circumstances under which Optional Parts are "won" is not completely understood and has never been fully explained by the game developer. The general theory is that optional parts are awarded to a team when the results of a given mission increment the map percentage holding of their faction.
In an interview, one of the game developers was asked about optional parts, and his statement was "After a victory, parts are distributed at random, however, the type of part which can be received is decided by combat/war situational results." It has been observed that more parts become available as Turns within a Round progress. A matrix of availability is available here.
Optional Parts may be traded amongst players, and along with rare VTs, are the only true valuable commodity in the game.
Durable Optional Parts
Increases the MAX weight amount that a VT can equip. The VT would still be OVR STD (over standard) and thus more unbalanced, but the additional loadout capacity may be more beneficial than any detrimental instability incurred. Both Additional and Advanced Mount optional parts help to offset weight overloading effects on Turning Performance. |
Level 1 |
Weight MAX +2 units |
Level 2 |
Weight MAX +4 units |
Level 3 |
Weight MAX +6 units |
Increases BOTH the STD and MAX weight mounts that a VT can equip. This enables a VT to maintain an under STD weight when it would normally be OVR STD but equip more weaponry or fuel tanks. Both Additional and Advanced Mount optional parts help to offset weight overloading effects on Turning Performance. |
Level 1 |
Weight STD +2
Weight MAX +2
Level 2 |
Weight STD +4
Weight MAX +4
Level 3 |
Weight STD +6
Weight MAX +6 |
Increases the durability of a VT armour by a given percentage. I actually ran tests to determine by what factor with the help of several other players. My test results conflict with other reported data, for completeness I have included both sets, with my results bolded and the other data italicised. |
Level 1 |
Durability +6.7%
Durability +10%
Level 2 |
Durability +18.5%
Durability +20%
Level 3 |
Durability +28%
Durability +30%
Decreases the battery recovery and recharge time when performing slidesteps or using charged weapons (Rail Gun, Gauss, melee weapons). Actual test values were never obtained due to part rarity and difficulty in scheduling and designing an appropriate test. Inferred values (obtained from Japanese players) are given in italics. These values would be consistent with the 10/20/30 percent values found for Mechanic optional parts. |
Level 1 |
Battery Recovery +10%
Level 2 |
Battery Recovery +20%
Level 3 |
Battery Recovery +30%
Makes a VT more stable and less likely to tip during turning, especially at high speeds in 5th gear wheel mode. Use of this part is especially important to pilots of light attack VTs like the Falchion, Blade and Rapier. Actual test values are unavailable as a proper test could not be designed or scheduled to obtain the information. Values provided are based on reports from Japanese players and are consistent with the 10/20/30 percentage values for Mechanic unit optional parts. |
Level 1 |
Balancer Rating +10%
Level 2 |
Balancer Rating +20%
Level 3 |
Balancer Rating +30%
Increases the number of sortie points that a team starts a mission with. Can be useful for offsetting the sortie point advantage of highly ranked players on an opposing team. |
Level 1 |
Team Start Sortie + 10pts |
Level 2 |
Team Start Sortie + 20pts |
Level 3 |
Team Start Sortie + 30pts |
A combat point multiplier for end-of-mission combat point results. When equipped, the part applies an additional value to the "normally" awarded Strategic/Command points at the end of a mission. For example, if a Strategic Unit Level 1 was equipped and the default 6000 strategic points was awarded, the actual amount applied to the pilot profile would be 6600 (6000 + (6000 x 0.10)). Very useful for newer players to increase rank more quickly. |
Level 1 |
Result + 10% |
Level 2 |
Result + 20% |
Level 3 |
Result + 30% |
A supply points multiplier for end-of-mission supply point results. Very useful for newer players to build up money quickly or for experienced players to offset the loss of high supply point value VTs. Identical in point calculation to the Strategic Unit optional part. |
Level 1 |
Result + 10% |
Level 2 |
Result + 20% |
Level 3 |
Result + 30% |
Transient Optional Parts
Increases the distance modifier armour rating of the VT on which it is equipped by 200m. Lost if the current VT is destroyed. The durability "bonus" added by this optional part is very minimal, given that mounting it only enables a distance modifier, not increased durability. Essentially equips a distance modification effect like that found on Heavy Class VT armour. |
Decreases the necessary time to capture an enemy base by half (15 seconds from an original of 30). Often used by Sheepdog pilots to rapidly take out the re-spawn capability of an opposing side. Lost if the current VT is destroyed. Also, there have been reports that this part "disappears" after 3 uses. Unable to confirm due to the rarity of the part. |
When equipped, it will increase a players rank to the next higher rank at the end of a mission. This part disappears after one use whether or not the player VT is destroyed in battle. The rank increase will occur whether or not the player is destroyed, or even if the player team is victorious in the mission. |
Makes a player VT immune to plasma torch, stun rod and gauss weapons. Not commonly used (or needed). Lost if the current VT is destroyed. Unavailable on resortie, even within the same mission/match. |
When equipped, enables a player VT to "see" enemy player VTs on radar within a 1000m radius. Lost if the current VT is destroyed in battle. Also, per player reports, this part disappears after three uses. Unable to confirm due to part rarity. |
Allows a player to keep their current VT if it is destroyed in battle. This also deprives the opponent player who destroyed the VT their kill. This will also allow a players pilot profile to "live" though a KIA situation but at the cost of the loss of the current VT. When the player VT is destroyed in a mission, the part automatically restores the current VT and pilot profile to the resortie queue. |
Optional Parts by Availability by Turn
This information is also available in a pure text format here.