About LINEOFCONTACT.NET Disclaimer & User Right to Content Usage LINEOFCONTACT.NET is a private fansite for the Steel Battalion: Line of Contact XBox Live© game created without the assistance of either the publisher Capcom®, the developer Nudemaker®, any agent of Microsoft or XBox. Any information or opinions found herein are those of the author of the pertinent work. The site owner and author cannot be held accountable for material damages or emotional heartbreak resulting from content of this website. All content presented herein is the copyright to the respective content holders. The original content (walkthroughs, image capture data, test results and tactics) are copyright and intellectual property of the site owners and may not be used without permission. Please contact us for the necessary permissions, in all likelyhood they will be given provided appropriate credit is appended. Purpose LINEOFCONTACT.NET was created to fill a general void of information regarding the Steel Battalion: Line of Contact XBox Live© game. The content of this site attempts to address all aspects of the game and may be considered a constant work in progress. Where possible, informational resources have been cross checked for accuracy. Due to a lack of concrete information regarding several aspects of the game, there will be some subjects which have only been theorised upon. These topics have been annotated appropriately. If you have further information, with references, to offer, please contact me and I will include it as appropriate. The content of this site concentrates on Steel Battalion: Line of Contact specific information. The original Steel Battalion game is mentioned as necessary but detailed information regarding it is not currently hosted at this location. Persons seeking more information are advised to read Mike Maraldo's detailed guide. For convenient reference, I have compiled a list of important differences that should be noted for players transitioning from the original game to Steel Battalion: Line of Contact which may be found here. All of the Vertical Tank, Weapon, Gameplay, User Profile, and Mission/Map data presented here is accurate and has been cross verified when possible. The only elements that I have taken artistic license with have been the VT histories the personal field performance assessments. When possible, the VT histories have been derived from limited information and translated information available from Capcom | Nudemaker | Tekki.jp Field performance assessments are based on the personal experiences of myself and others in taking a particular model of VT into battle. Some missions are better than others for a given VT platform (piloting a support platform indoors can be an exercise in frustration), and some VTs are just going to be horrible no matter what the situation. In general, most of my assessments are founded on multiple piloting deployments across a number of scenarios. Your opinion may vary, and you are free to contact me if you would like to share your view. About Me
I feel it's only polite to introduce myself.
My name is Will. I am a 30 year old male, currently living in Orlando,FL USA. I am a software test engineer/ student/ cat herder/ with a Bachelors Degree in Anthropology, an AS in Engineering Systems Design and am self-taught in HTML, VB .NET, ColdFusion MX and MS SQL Server 2000 (only one of which I actually use on this site). I have owned the original Steel Battalion since its release in 2002, and bought Steel Battalion: Line of Contact on its North American release date. Although I would make no claim to being an expert player, I have a passion for the game which needed to grow beyond simply participating. Thus, this website. While I applaud Capcom for taking a risk and bringing us these two amazing games, they have turned a somewhat cold shoulder on us with regards to support and information regarding it. The site was originally going to be something simple, with basic information. As time went on, I could not find another resource which would answer my questions and the site began to grow in depth and complexity. At some point along the line, I realised this would be a singular magnum opus to SB:LOC and it would take on a life of its own. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it (although sometimes it seems like a second job just to keep the content machine going). As with all projects, nothing happens in a vacuum, and I have many people to thank for materials and information (see credits below). If you don't see your name here, know that I still value your contribution and have either a. not quite gotten around to adding your name here, or b. given credit in association with a particular section. Credits and Thanks
Site conceived, designed, built and maintained by KingLeerUK (William S.) Githon for invaluable and tireless testing assistance and being the Pikiest guy I know. Pike On Wayne, Pike On Garth. Parias for image data and bringing the community together at the now defunct Steel Battalion Central. tonberry killer for invaluable site beta testing assistance, in-game tests and pointing out when I've been sloppy with my code. Many thanks to nemesis8722 for the stunning screenshots he has been able to provide, keep them coming and I'll find a space for them in the media section! Endless thanks to the following XBox Live players: :: nemesis8722 :: tonberry_killer :: Lizzard :: Sufferin' Pup :: GOW Dewiz Their participation and patience in the Mech Durability optional parts tests was flawless and greatly appreciated. I could not have done this without you guys. Thanks to Giant Octopus for hosting the continued community presence over at SteelBattalion.org. Many others of the community for your help with statistics, testing, translation and tactics. RIP Brian Alan Bargmeyer "Rhindle"
We at LINEOFCONTACT.NET honour the passing of one of the earliest members of the Steel Battalion community. His unexpected passing on September 21, 2005 has come as a blow to us all. Our thoughts are with your family and our memories are fond of you.I'll pack an extra sub-tank for you buddy. Hope you're bringing the cheddar wherever you are now. :) RIP Daniel McCready "Githon"
And so did the Alphapike ride across the sky, faintly, the wind carried the timeless battlecry of our fallen hero...
INABAAAAAAAA! You will be sorely missed dear friend. |