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Home > Missions Overview > Mission 12 - Ji Feng Basin
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Ji Feng Basin would probably never have figured into the war if Xin Dao Road hadn't run right through the middle of it. Xin Dao Road was the primary supply line from the Pacific Rim Forces beachhead in Lo Gui. Hai Shi Dao had fortified their position on the northern plateau, readying for ambush attacks against passing PRF supply columns. Unknown to them, the Pacific Rim Forces had already established a satellite base on the southern plateau in an effort to ensure the safety of their supply route.

Now entrenched on either side of the valley, each side must eliminate the other to break the stalemate. For HSD, control over the valley road will force the PRF to find another supply route, costing both precious time and resources. For PRF, control of Xin Dao Road is vital to ensure the timely resupply of their numerous divisions deployed to the interior of the island.

Ji Feng basin is composed to two opposing ziggurat/plateau structures, with a broad valley and road between them. Neutral bases can be found in on the north and south ends of the valley, with random rocky outcroppings located along the length of the valley. Each side has a capture objective base located at the top of the plateau. Each plateau level is surrounded by steep ramparts, through which there are several openings. The center of the lower plateau has a gradual slope down to the valley floor. Capture of the top base by either attacker or defender ends the mission.

Since both attacker and defender sides have the same capture objective, this mission could be considered balanced. Unfortunately, this missions tends to be over very quickly, often without a shot being fired, as both sides attempt to race base capture VTs to the opposing base. Playing a purely defensive mode can be difficult as any VTs destroyed cannot be brought back into play quickly enough to assist surviving forces. With a full 5v5 team this mission might have been more balanced.

Defender Objective: Capture the enemy objective base in D-3, destroy attacking VTs, capture bases and deprive them of Sortie Points.

Attacker Objective: Capture the enemy objective base in B-1, destroy defending VTs, capture bases and deprive them of Sortie Points.

Possible Non-VT Targets
B299 Bomber (+10pts)
F-57 Viper Fighter (+10pts)

This content is in development and will be available shortly.
mission details
tactical alerts
B-3 Q1 Defender south base slope B-3 Q1 The barrier gap B-2 Q3 A defender base D-1 Q4 Northern hills and the main road E-0 Q3 Northern neutral base D-2 Q1 First plateau C-3 Q2 Attacker first plateau base south B-3 Q3 The southern neutral base E-4 Q4 Top plateau primary base B-3 Q3 The southern neutral base B-1 Q2 Hillside notch and slope C-2 Q2 The gradual slope