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Home > Configuration > Weapon Summary
Weapon Configuration Overview

Vertical Tanks may be configured with a variety of different weapons, some of which are unique to a single platform and others which are found across a number of different models. Weapons are broadly classified as either Main Weapons or Sub weapons depending upon their mounting location and firing method.

Weapon Configuration is accessed under the Headquarters option of the Main Menu.

Up to three of each weapon category may be loaded onto a VT, but typical configurations do not use all available slots due to weight limitations and mounting point restrictions. Each weapon has a weight attribute which is additive to the total weight specification of a given VT. VTs may be loaded up to their standard weight (STD) and perform to normal specifications, or may be overloaded to over standard (OVR STD) up to a maximum (MAX) weight to allow additional or heavier weapons to be taken.

Loading a VT to OVR STD makes it more difficult to control, slower to accelerate or turn, and much easier to tip over.

Certain weapons are also classified as FIXED and cannot be removed from the weapon configuration menu. These weapons are physically integrated into the structural design of the VT platform and are typically a defining element of the given VT.

Finally, heavy shoulder mounted weapons are limited to a maximum of 2 modules, weight limits permitting. When this limitation is exceeded the configuration screen will show an error message of MOUNT OVER and not allow the configuration to be saved.

The weapon configuration menu allows for three user defined configurations to be saved for quick selection during a pre-mission sortie. Note that the weapon loadout may be modified during pre-mission sortie by selecting the Custom option from the menu. The user defined configurations for Campaign Mode and Free Mission mode are independent of one another. Campaign Mode user configurations also allow for up to two Optional Parts.

In addition to armaments, certain VTs may be fitted with optional fuel tanks to increase their field deployment time between necessary refuelings. Each additional sub-tank requires 2 weight units, thus the configuration and balance of weapons and sub-tanks must be made with careful consideration to both VT performance and expected battle scenario.

Please see the Vertical Tank Information section for weapons available to each model.

Please refer to the Weapon Descriptions and Weapon Summary sections for additional information regarding the armaments available.