Purchasing Vertical Tank
Vertical Tank requisitions are performed in the Supply Bin under the Headquarters option of the main menu in Campaign Mode. Upon logging into the Supply Bin, models which may be selected are represented along a horizontal selection bar as highlighted boxes. Using either the Sight Change Stick on the Steel Battalion controller or either the D-Pad or Right Thumbstick on an XBox controller, a player may preview the hangared or available models. Models which are available for purchase display an vertical arrow above the currently highlighted selection. If the player owns a model which is non-native to their faction or is not currently available for purchase (due to limited availability or Turn limitations) the purchase indicator arrow is not displayed. Each VT model preview shows a summary of performance, supply point cost, sortie/hangar point allocation, weight class, combat class, manufacturer, generation, supplemental characteristics and a scrolling description of the model. Each pilot profile has a maximum of 600 sortie/hangar points available. Each VT owned has a specific number of sortie/hangar points associated to it, which deducts from the total available. More advanced VTs tend to have higher sortie/hangar point requirements. Please see the Vertical Tank Information page for the sortie/hangar point values of each VT. ![]() The process to purchase a VT is as follows: 01. Enter the Supply Bin and review the available selections. 02. Using the sight change, D-pad or thumbstick, scroll between the currently available models to the desired model for purchase. 03. Again using the sight change, D-pad or thumbstick, press up or down to select the number of units to purchase. The corresponding number of required supply points and sortie/hangar points are shown in the right display column. Press the Main Weapon button on the Steel Battalion controller or the A button on the XBox controller to confirm the purchase. Press the Lock On button (on SB controller) or the B button on the XBox controller to cancel the current selection if desired. 04. The necessary Supply Points are deducted from the available purse if available. If insufficient Supply Points or sortie/hangar points are available, and error message is displayed and the current purchase is cancelled. The caveat to the above process is in the purchase of limited release VTs. Typically, very few units are released at a time, referred to as a "drop" The campaign server drops currently available limited VTs every hour during a turn at the XX:50 minute mark, and after the Turn change on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm EST. Due to the extremely limited availability of most models, they sell out within seconds of the drop. In order to have chance at obtaining limited model VTs, entry into the Supply Bin must be timed exactly to correspond to the relevant release time. It is interesting to note that the way in which limited VTs are made available for purchase is drastically different than the "random" time claimed by both Capcom and the Steel Battalion: Line of Contact game manual. |