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Replay Mode Overview and Tutorial

Steel Battalion: Line of Contact offers one of the most comprehensive and robust replay systems of any XBox® game available. Despite the complexity of the gameplay, the replay system records ALL user input from all pilots participating in a given game session. Replays are one of the best training tools available to pilots, allowing review of pilot performance and a new perspective on Vertical Tank combat.

XBox Memory Storage and Replay File Management

Steel Battalion: Line of Contact allows a player to store up to 100 individual replays on the XBox hard drive. Replays may be traded via the Chat/Trade function within the game, and may also be accessed and copied to a removeable memory card unit. Most replays use approximately 250 to 400 blocks depending on their length and number of players participating. It is possible to generate a replay larger than a standard 8MB memory card unit will hold, but this is a rare occurrence.

Although rare, there have been reports of replays stored in the first Replay slot (00) becoming corrupted through some unknown process. I have experienced this issue myself and would advise players to avoid storing important replays in slot 00 if at all possible.

Replay data is generated for every mission played in Steel Battalion: Line of Contact, but only saved as a replay file if the player chooses to do so at the end of a session. After the post-mission briefing, the option to SAVE REPLAY is presented, along with CONTINUE, which will return the pilot to the Main Menu. Choosing to save a replay opens up a dialogue allowing the selection of a Save Location (slot). Either empty or occupied slots may be selected to save a replay, but if an occupied slot is selected the old replay is overwritten with the new replay save.

Replays may be deleted by highlighting an occupied replay slot and pressing the X (blue) button on a standard XBox controller.

In order to received a traded replay, a player must have at least one open slot available in their replay list. A replay trade will not be allowed if this condition is not met.

Feature Summary
  • Play / Pause
  • Playback Speed (x1 - x10)
  • Camera Angle (9 modes available)
  • Follow Player
  • Replay Effects (30 available filters)
  • In-Cockpit Toggle and zoom/shift
  • Map Display (with zoom control)
  • Sub Monitor Overlay
  • Free Roaming Camera
A comprehensive replay feature listing and definitions are discussed in more detail below.

Replay Menu

Replays may be accessed through the LOAD REPLAY option, which is available from the main menu in both Free Mission and Campaign modes, and as a menu selection after the splash screen. Replays may be watched "offline" without access to XBox Live.

Replay Option
Main Menu
Replay Selection

From the main Replay menu, individual replay files can be viewed, selected and deleted. As each replay slot is selected, a summary of the recorded mission is displayed. The information provided in the summary is as follows:
  • Play Mode (Campaign, Conquest, Battle Royale, Capture the Container)
  • Mission Number
  • Mission Duration
  • Faction Affiliation
  • Participating Pilots
  • Final Sortie Points
  • Date of Session
  • Time of Session (using a 24 hour clock)
  • VTs Piloted

Replays are displayed with Attackers on the left side and Defenders on the right side (in the participating pilot list), except for Battle Royale replays which simply list pilots in order of sortie room slot.

Replay Controls

After a replay is selected from the Replay menu, playback will automatically begin. By default, the SWITCH camera is selected and the "originator" VT is the center of focus. The user may then make changes in camera angle using the control bar options or via direct input from the Steel Battalion controller. Most of the replay controls are available from the control bar menu and camera angles can be controlled using the thumbsticks on a standard XBox controller, depending on camera mode selected. The left stick controls the direction faced, and the right stick controls the zoom level. A complete list of replay related controls for both the Steel Battalion and standard XBox controllers is available below and is also duplicated on the Controller Information page.

I have tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, but due to the complexity and number of replay controls and modes available, this list is by no means exhaustive.

 Control Name  Replay
 GEAR LEVER In "Free Camera" mode, controls the "acceleration" of the free roaming camera. Reverse makes the camera go backwards, Neutral stops the camera. Forward gears are increasing in velocity.
Changes replay menu item selection.
 (x-y axis)
Moves the camera angle for external views, changes internal angle in cockpit view.
Toggles the CRT effect on/off.
 Toggle Switch
no effect
 Toggle Switch
no effect
 Toggle Switch
no effect
 Toggle Switch
no effect
 Toggle Switch
no effect

 1 - 5
no effect
 TUNER DIAL no effect
Pauses playback.
Changes selected pilot.
Toggles overview map.
 TANK DETACH Increments playback speed from 1x - 10x
 OVERRIDE Toggles through playback effects.
 NIGHT SCOPE Toggles Sub-Monitor overlay view on/off.
 Forecast Shooting System
Changes the camera type.
 MANIPULATOR Toggles cockpit view.
 LINE COLOR CHANGE Switches focus to Exit menu option.
 WASHING no effect
 CHAFF no effect
 weapon control
no effect
 weapon control
no effect
 MAGAZINE CHANGE Toggles Control Menu hide/display.
 (x-y axis)
In "Free Camera" mode, controls the direction of movement for the camera. Control is very similar to a flight-sim stick.
 MAIN WEAPON Select current menu option.
 LOCK ON Toggles cockpit view.
Toggles Control Menu hide/display.
 EJECT-CMD Displays pilot and VT information, weapon loadout and optional parts, second toggle displays scrolling game credits.
 COCKPIT HATCH no effect
 IGNITION no effect
 START no effect
no effect
Sub Monitor view map magnifcation (three levels)
Sub Monitor view function.
Sub monitor view function.
Camera zoom in.
Camera zoom out.
 ACCELERATOR PEDAL Performs lateral movement to the right when in Free Camera mode.
 BRAKE PEDAL no effect
 SLIDESTEP PEDAL Performs lateral movement to the left when in Free Camera mode.
 Control Name  Replay
Selects the current option
Cancels current selection or action
Deletes replays (from the main replay menu)
Toggles information views
Zooms in on Map View
Zooms out on Map View
 D-PAD Menu selection control
 START Opens XBox Live Friends List Options. Note that a bug in the Replay Menu will not let a player join a game without first navigating out of Replay Mode.
 BACK no effect
 (x-y axis)
menu item selection control, in free camera mode controls direction of camera
 (click button)
Toggles CRT effect
 (x-y axis)
In free camera mode controls the zoom level
 (click button)
Cycles through informational sub-screen views
 LEFT TRIGGER Strafe left in Free Camera mode.
 RIGHT TRIGGER Strafe right in Free Camera mode.

Camera Options

There are several camera options available during the playback of a replay. I will describe each below.

This camera mode randomly changes the angle of view every few seconds on the selected focus VT/pilot. Using a standard XBox controller, the view may be zoomed in or out using the right thumbstick. Very cinematic views can be obtained using this camera, but it is not very useful to observe battle interactions.
Similar to the Switch camera, this view will change randomly every few seconds during playback but with the selected VT/pilot being the point of origin for the camera, thus looking outward from the current VT. This camera has an added "tracking" feature which will fixate the nearest enemy unit under 2000m, or the currently locked enemy VT.
Essentially a camera that is "launched" with larger projectile weapons and most sub-weapons. The view allows the camera to track to target. While "in-flight" the standard XBox controller thumbsticks will alter the angle and zoom level of the camera view.
Essentially a top-down view from directly over the currently selected VT/pilot. Angle, direction and level of zoom can be controlled using the thumbsticks of a standard XBox controller.
Similar to Missile view but does not track with fired projectiles. As the name implies, the view follows the currently locked enemy VT. If no VT is locked, the view follows the aimed direction of the currently selected Main weapon. No zoom or angle controls are available with this camera mode.
A fixed camera view from directly behind the currently selected VT/pilot. Zoom level and vertical angle may be controlled using the thumbsticks of a standard XBox controller. Essentially a "chase" view centered on the direction faced by the body of the VT.
Similar to the Rear view but the horizontal angle may also be changed allowing a full 360° view of the currently selected pilot/VT. Standard XBox controller thumbsticks control angle, direction and level of zoom.
A completely free roaming camera. When selected, the camera starts in the vicinity of the selected VT/pilot, but and be "flown" around a map with either a standard XBox controller or the Steel Battalion controller. The available controls for this camera are quite comprehensive (see above for a full list). This camera allows for the most cinematic options. It should be noted that the Steel Battalion controller gear shift should be put in Neutral if the intent is to control the camera with a standard XBox controller or else the camera will seem "anchored".
Not so much a camera, but an alternate "view" available only for the VT/pilot which recorded the replay. The thumbsticks of a standard XBox controller allow for "shifting" of the point of view within the cockpit during playback. Pressing the left thumbstick button will "lock" the view at the current zoom and angle, clicking the button again releases the view back to standard position. The "sub" monitor overlay views are not available while in this viewing mode. A strange bug in the replay function will sometimes remove the motion sound from the current VT when an external camera is selected from within cockpit mode.

Example Camera Views

BATTLE Camera LOCK Camera REAR Camera CHASE Camera

Replay Options

Once a replay has loaded, a number of controls are available via the control bar on the bottom of the screen. Options on the control bar may be selected using the D-pad and activated using the B (green) button on a standard XBox controller. All of the functions on the control bar are directly accessible using a Steel Battalion controller. See the list above for a full listing of available mapped controls.

Loaded Screen
Control Bar

The replay control bar can be hidden at any time during playback by pressing the Y (yellow) button a standard XBox controller or the Magazine Change button the center block of a Steel Battalion controller.

The horizontal "CRT effect" may be removed from all camera views (except Cockpit) by pressing the left thumbstick button on a standard XBox controller or the Sight Change button (view hat click, left joystick) on the Steel Battalion controller. This is useful for getting a cleaner image and allowing more detail to be shown.

A full map may be accessed at any time from the replay control bar. This map will show the positions of all active enemy VTs on the map, any projectiles in transit, and even active mines for both sides. This map view may be zoomed in or out using the White and Black buttons on a standard XBox controller.

All views except Cockpit allow for the Sub Monitor and Multimonitor data content to be overlayed on the main screen image. This can be useful to determining enemy VT status or sortie point levels as the mission progresses. The SUB information can be selected at any time from the control bar menu, or by pressing the Night Scope button on the Steel Battalion controller. The Multimonitor data can be cycled through using the MODE SELECT button on the controller. Sub-Monitor data/views can be cycled through using the SUB MONITOR MODE SELECT button on the controller.

Front Cam Sub Monitor Overlay Missile Cam Sub Monitor Overlay Back Cam Sub Monitor Overlay Lock On Cam Sub Monitor Overlay Live Cam Sub Monitor Overlay
Cam Overlay
Cam Overlay
Cam Overlay
Cam Overlay
Cam Overlay

Additional pilot and VT specific information is available by pressing the right thumbstick button on a standard XBox controller or EJECT-CMD on a Steel Battalion controller. These supplementary views only become available after all VTs have been "touched" by a player. The first supplementary view shows pilot and VT specific information, including VT serial number, pilot professional name, shots missed and hit (in the current session), and various other VT specific statistics. The second supplementary view is a scrolling marquee of developer credits. These views may be cycled through for any view, including cockpit view.

Supplementary Information - Credits Supplementary Information - Pilot & VT Info Supplementary Information - Pilot & VT Info
Credits Display VT & Pilot Info VT & Pilot Info

Replay Effects

There are 30 replay effects available for all camera modes except Cockpit. Initially, there are only 4 replay effects available. Additional replay effects are "unlocked" with each new VT "touched" and made available for Free Mission mode. Some effects are quite impractical, whereas others can be used to enhance details or provide additional "light" in dark missions. The replay effects truly show the amazing levels of detail in the VT models of the game.

Below I have prepared 30 individual shots of a single replay frame to show how the various filter effects available modify the image. Following the images are some comments regarding particularly useful effects settings.

reference image
Replay Effect Filter 01 Replay Effect Filter 02 Replay Effect Filter 03 Replay Effect Filter 04 Replay Effect Filter 05
Effect 01 Effect 02 Effect 03 Effect 04 Effect 05
Replay Effect Filter 06 Replay Effect Filter 07 Replay Effect Filter 08 Replay Effect Filter 09 Replay Effect Filter 10
Effect 06 Effect 07 Effect 08 Effect 09 Effect 10
Replay Effect Filter 11 Replay Effect Filter 12 Replay Effect Filter 13 Replay Effect Filter 14 Replay Effect Filter 15
Effect 11 Effect 12 Effect 13 Effect 14 Effect 15
Replay Effect Filter 16 Replay Effect Filter 17 Replay Effect Filter 18 Replay Effect Filter 19 Replay Effect Filter 20
Effect 16 Effect 17 Effect 18 Effect 19 Effect 20
Replay Effect Filter 21 Replay Effect Filter 22 Replay Effect Filter 23 Replay Effect Filter 24 Replay Effect Filter 25
Effect 21 Effect 22 Effect 23 Effect 24 Effect 25
Replay Effect Filter 26 Replay Effect Filter 27 Replay Effect Filter 28 Replay Effect Filter 29 Replay Effect Filter 30
Effect 26 Effect 27 Effect 28 Effect 29 Effect 30

Additional Effect Comments
Effect 04 - this effect can be useful for dark missions as it gives a "daylight filter" to the image onscreen. During daylight missions or in firefights the image can be overly bright.

Effect 10 - this effect removes all of the low frequency spectrum colour (the reds) leaving only blacks and blues. Can be useful for seeing additional model detail.

Effect 11 - A completely desaturated effect removing all colour from the image. Allows for a large amount of line detail to be seen in the models and terrain.

Effect 27 - Almost like an Overlay Burn effect with false-colour attributes. Can be used to see interesting details that would otherwise be obscured by model self-shadowing and shading.

Some of the effects are very similar to others (19 & 20, 02 & 05, 14 & 29), others appear to be inverse versions of each other (12 & 14, 11 & 14, 16 & 26). One has to wonder why they spent development time on such an esoteric feature.